Technology and Business Advisory is a foray under Triumph ICT where the company has collaborative Group of Consultants having extensive experience in working with the Governments and various vertical market solutions associated with Enterprise markets.


Triumph-ICT’s Consultancy Practice helps to reduce the costs and risks associated with large-scale projects. Its consultants are highly skilled in assessing and analyzing existing networks and infrastructures. To achieve the most out of the clients’ existing systems and networks, we can identify both the risks and opportunities available, recommending an array of approaches and solutions to maximize clients’ budget and ICT potential.


Triumph ICT’s consultancy team can help build new systems and even redesign an existing one. We can highlight the latest solutions and technologies that apply to clients’ specific infrastructure, recommending industry best practices and assist in creating specific software configurations that support an infrastructure that is flexible, scalable, reliable and secure. We ensure Configuration analysis, Technical liaison for support and development teams, Test product features and functionality.


Triumph -ICT Professional Advisory services include development of Technology & product strategy for building economically viable systems to facilitate emerging service markets. We help in Drafting the request for proposals and selection of providers as well as offer Technical training.


We provide professional consultancy services to Telecom Operators and Service Providers particularly those in the low to Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) markets in the MEA region. We advise the Telecommunication Service providers on the deployment of new technologies and SW features into their networks of communication. We advise on the preparation of the RFPs for the requirements and performance specifications on radio access and mobile backhaul network infrastructure to be given to vendors, and later on assessing the technical responses of vendors to RFP


Together with our Internationally known partners, Triumph-ICT provides consultancy for enterprises in various vertical markets on mobile and wireless technology strategy and product/solution development Creating value to the organization through advisory and successful solutions and innovation.


We are the trusted mobile and wireless advisors .Our Advisory services include Strategy development in building economically viable systems to facilitate emerging service markets and provide.

  • We Offer Project design particularly Network architecture design; and Project management and particularly Management of large scale Wireless/WiMAX / WiFi projects and network deployments Worldwide like the projects implemented in Malaysia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Egypt, Nigeria, Russia, India, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Iraq, Kurdistan, and Mexico.
  • Rf site survey & frequency planning; Installation certification ;Testing & commissioning; Monitoring & management ; RFI/RFP development & processing; Security evaluation and technical training; Wireless, Microwave & Wi-Fi Mesh Infrastructure Solutions for High Speed Applications and Mobility, Remote Control, Automation and Early Warnings Application; ICT initiatives and on IT enabled Infrastructures and on Emerging Technology Implementation. Our Technologies comprises WA PTP & PTMP ; Millimeter Wave MMW; Licensed Microwave; Solar Energy; Small Cells & HetNets; Gigabit Wifi; LTE gateways
  • Intelligent Surveillance and Customized Analytics Solutions , 3D Simulation and Training ,on Command and Control Centers & Digital Dispatch Solutions, on 3D GIS Development & Integration for Quick Access to Target and Decision, on Live & Full Mobility Transmission to Command and Control Center Solutions, on Tracking & Sensors Applications for Remote Detections & Readings, on Monitoring & Management for Remote Facilities , on ISO Standardization & Implementations for Security, Management & Process Flow with Training , in entire Middle East North Africa markets.
  • Smart City Solutions (Click Here to read more about Smart City Solutions)
  • We also advise on cyber security, tactical Intelligence gathering and analysis, information security intelligence analysis, forensics, and e discovery.
Security Assessments
Vulnerability Assessment
Penetration Testing

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